Monday, August 10, 2009

Vegan PB Oatmeal Cookies

So here are some Vegan Oatmeal cookies I made. One batch is Double chocolate and the other is with cashews. The cashew ones tastes the best. Yes, that is a glass of milk next to the cookies, but its just for staging. Almond milk just didnt have the bright white color I wanted in my photo.

Vegan PB Oatmeal Cookies
(You will need 2 cookie sheets for this recipe. For the Double Chocolate variety, melt 3 oz of chocolate in a pan with the earthbalance, cool, and add in after step 1. At the end of the recipe, omit nuts and add in chocolate pieces.)

½ cup Earth Balance
¼ cup Apple Sauce
½ cup Better’n Peanut Butter (Or Regular peanut butter)
½ Mashed Ripe Banana
1 Tbsp Ground Flax Seed wisked with 3 Tbsp Water
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup Sugar
½ cup Brown Sugar
1 tsp Baking soda
½ tsp Baking powder
1 ¼ cup Flour
2 cups Oats
Nuts or Chocolate pieces.
2 Baking Sheets

1) Mix together all wet ingredients with a mixer.
2) Add sugars, baking soda and baking powder and mix with mixer.
3) Add Flour, oatmeal and nuts or chocolate pieces. Mix with a spoon.
4) Place spoonfuls of cookie dough about 2 inches apart on the first cookie sheet.
5) Bake at 375F on ungreased cookie sheet for 13 minutes.
6) While one batch is baking, load the second cookie sheet with cookie dough.
6) IMPORTANT: Leave baked cookies for 10 minutes on cookie sheet to cool off, do not remove or they will fall apart.

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