Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vegan Ice Cream: Coconut Milk and Walnuts Base

I put together a few ideas from other recipes to create this simple base for ice cream. Once you have the base, you can add any toppings or flavorings that you want. The one pictured is a simple vanilla flavor with hazelnuts. The coconut milk gives quite a bit of flavor to this creamy treat. The walnuts in the recipe are crucial. Once they are pureed into the coconut and almond milk, they make the ice cream stay creamy. You will need an ice cream maker to make this. Dont go out and pay for an electric one. I bought a manual one for $5 at a Value Village (local discount store). The entire process is so easy, and only takes 15 minutes. Once u pour the mixture in, u only turn it a few time every 3-4 minutes. 10-15 minutes later you have creamy ice cream. And it is soo much cheaper to make it than to buy that some of those gross ones at the store.

Vegan Coconut Vanilla Ice Cream
(For an even creamier texture, you can decrease the almond milk by 1/2 cup)
1 can Coconut Milk
1 1/2 cup Almond Milk
2 Tsp Vanilla
1/8 cup Agave Nectar
1/4 tsp Stevia
1/3 cup Walnuts
Topping: 1/3 cup Chopped Roasted Hazelnuts

1 Blend all base ingredients in the blender till smoothe. This includes the walnuts.
2) Stir in the chopped hazelnuts or other toppings of choice.
3) Pour mixture into ice cream maker and stir every 3 minutes till done.
Makes about 10 half cup servings

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